Social Worker

Our staff help our clients with social service needs such as transportation, housing, food, and access to medical care, and services like home health aides, and medical equipment. They will help them sign up for programs such as Meals on Wheels, SNAP food stamps, food pantry deliveries, and Medicare or Medicaid. They will provide mental health support as needed, and referrals to counselling and support groups.

Other Examples Include:

“The Telikin computer is awesome. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is so easy to use. Thank you for bringing it to me. It will get many years of use.”

Andrew., 84 years old

Contact us

CAHNJ is a nonprofit. We rely solely on funding from institutions and individuals. We gratefully accept donations on our website at Thank you for remembering us in your giving.

You can reach us at


Alex Kent, Executive Director



973.239.2600 ext 1075

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